Information in English

Folk on!

Welcome! This festival of folk is for everyone. Come and enjoy music with us in these special Corona times.

We promise you new friends, amazing stage shows and intimate jam sessions wherever you look. This year you can only pre-order your tickets online. Please respect our rules concerning COVID-19. We wish you a very warm welcome to Norrköping!

Welcome to our website

We try to keep our website simple for you and us. As swedish is our native language we decided not to have different language versions of our site, instead you can find a small accordion box on the bottom of every page with all relevant information in english language.

Just like the box to the right.

English version

Easy, huh?

Howdy Norrköping!

Learn more about the festival area, program and activities.

Get your ticket

The ticket sale is opening soon!

Corona Corona?

Read more about our concept to prevent spreading of corona virus.

Our artists, see them all


Välkommen till årets festival!

Hej på er! Om ni skulle ha frågat oss direkt efter festivalen i oktober 2019 hur nästa årets festival kommer bli, skulle vi ha ber
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Vi vill ge ett stort tack till alla som hjälpt till att göra årets festival möjlig. Tack till våra samarbetspartners. Tack till al
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